Saturday, March 14, 2009

Ferndown Boarding Cattery - Planning 1.

The Planning Application.

7. 3/08/0488/FUL
Erection of 22 Unit Boarding Cattery to Rear of Property, Access Improvements and Parking to Frontage as amended by plans received 14/05/08 and 23/05/08. 474 Ringwood Road, Ferndown, Dorset.
Public Speaking:
Mrs Lewis joint applicant informed the Committee that she had been operating a Cattery in Dorset for 13 years and had not received any complaints. Mrs Lewis informed the Committee that she had undertaken a lot of research in order to find the right site for a Cattery business and felt it would fit in seamlessly at this location. She advised that all waste would be removed weekly by a commercial removal company and there would only be a maximum of three customers visiting per day, with ample car parking space. Mrs Lewis informed the Committee that the Cattery would sit well in this residential area and there would be no noise pollution as the site was well screened.

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